App-Icon des Onlineservices MVG Tickets 6091 mit einem dunkelblauen Ticket auf grauem Hintergrund

The MVG test app: MVG Tickets 6091 – help shape it now!

Use the app and help shape the digital ticket shop of tomorrow.

How it works:

Buy your tickets quickly via your smartphone. In the first step, select your desired ticket.
Screenshot, der die verschiedenen zur Auswahl stehenden Tickettypen in der App MVG Tickets 6091 anzeigt
You can then customize the ticket to your preferred route. It is also possible to buy several tickets at the same time for you or for other people.
Screenshot, der zeigt, wie Sie Ihr gewünschtes Ticket Ihrer Route anpassen mit der App MVG Tickets 6091
When you buy the ticket, your digital ticket will be shown directly on the display.
Screenshot, der den aktiven Fahrschein in der App MVG Tickets 6091 angezeigt
In the event of a passenger control, simply show your digital ticket.
Screenshot vom aktiven Ticket mit QR-Code, das unter der Rubrik

Select your ticket, personalize it, buy it

Use the app & support innovation

MVG loves innovations. You do too? Then design the digital ticket shop of tomorrow with the MVG by using MVG Tickets 6091. Because buying tickets in the successful MVG apps should be even faster, easier and more convenient in the future.

Reach your destination quickly

Allow the app to locate you to get automated stop suggestions and position support on the maps. The most important tariff and network plans are also available for download in the app.

Convenient ticket purchase

Save your ticket favorites so you always have them to hand. The app also allows you to view your past purchases in the ticket history and provides you with your invoices afterwards.
MVG Tickets 6091 offers tickets for the entire MVV area.

Links and downloads

Website MVG Tickets 6091

Customer support MVG Tickets 6091

Or call: 0800 344 226 611

We are here for you!

Icon mit zwei Sprechblasen in lila und grün, die ein Fragezeichen und ein Ausrufezeichen enthalten

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